Services offered:
ASAM Level I Standard Outpatient, requiring attendance one time per week.
ASAM Level II.1 Intensive Outpatient, requiring attendance three evenings per week.
Outpatient services are available to any adult who is trying to maintain sobriety or who is seeking an assessment and/or treatment for a substance abuse addiction. Clients may be self-referred, referred by another social services agency, the criminal justice system or by an Intoxicated Drivers Resource Center.
Clients are provided with a supportive network of services in a caring and understanding environment. Anyone seeking outpatient substance abuse services is given an individual assessment prior to beginning treatment. This assessment gives the client an opportunity to discuss the problems he/she is experiencing with a counselor who is trained to help the client develop a treatment plan specific to his/her needs. The length and intensity of treatment is determined by individual need and the treatment goals that the client wishes to achieve.
Treatment is delivered in individual, group and didactic sessions. Case management and relapse prevention services are included. Attendance at AA/NA meetings is strongly encouraged and in some cases, may be a treatment requirement. All clients submit to random urinalysis testing for substances of abuse.
508 Straight St.
Paterson, NJ 07503
Phone: 973-345-6000 ext. 6229
Fax: 973-333-6033